NOTE: Information contained in sealed or expunged records Is not exempt for Law Enforcement applicants pursuant to F .S. 119.07. However some exem tlons do aoolv soeciflcallv to law enforcement personnel records.
If yes, list below. A misdemeanor arrest or conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment
Note: lf you are arrested, detained, cited by a Law Enforcement Agency whlle undergoing process, lt Is your responslbility to notify this department. Your failure to do so wlll resuit in suspension of your applicalion.
lf you are noi sure or do not remember what happened in a criminal case(s), contact the appropriate county, state, or federal agency so !hat you can report acewrate informatlon on your criminal hlstory.
If not presently working as a Law Enforcement Officer, date last worked as a certified Law Enforcement Officer
Number of years and months experience as a Law Enforcement Officer
If yes, what agency?
Provide three (3) social acquaintances that have known you well during the past five (5) years. (Must be different from the three references listed above) Social acqualntances must be listed. Do not leave blank.
List all moving and non-moving traffic citations, i.e., speeding, running red light, expired registration, etc. that you have recelved in the past five years, starting with the mast recent, exclude parking tickets. (use additional sheets if necessary.)
If yes, give periods of active or inactive military service and other data requested: